Thanks for your patience on the blog, folks! Between work, teaching, and my masters class....any extra time I had was dedicated to project move-in!  So...where did I leave off?

Oh, yes. Windows.

Thankfully, our dad was co-owner of Ostrander Siding and Roofing, so I take zero credit in this process. He handled all of the measuring, ordering...and not to mention he and my mom installed them while I was at work. They made a HUGE difference and we were so happy to have all the help! They look amazing!

Since the house already had some new windows...we stuck with the white vinyl to match. In my opinion, it looks a little heavy with the brick, but we're thinking ahead to next spring when we bust out the paint and the brick color goes buh-bye.  We also added a skylight in the bathroom which we're both obsessed with.

Here is a peek at his (Lee's) handy work!

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