After a busy work week and my fall teaching semester in full swing - we're back after a week long house hiatus! Our goal for the weekend was to finish the framing, so my dad and Brandon focused on that while my mom and I tackled the basement. It's really starting to look like a house now, guys.

Here is the kitchen looking in from the sun/dining room. You can see where we have the kitchen layout on the floor with blue tape. A very smart observation was made by my pal, Ali who noticed we had no area for dry food. We are now adding a large built-in pantry to the right of the brick stack.



Here is the kitchen facing out towards the living room: 


The bathroom! The left far corner will be the shower and the right will be a toilet closet. 


We decided to remove the walk-through to the bathroom (from the closet) to allow for for more flexibility with closet layout. 


Here is the stairway we added to the living room (looking down to the basement).

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